Long-lost twins finally reunite after 20 years thanks to TikTok

A set of 24-year-old twins who had been separated for two decades since the 1999 sectarian conflicts in Maluku finally reunited on Wednesday in Tasikmalaya, West Java, after finding each other through TikTok.

The twins, Trena Mustika and Treni Fitri Yana, broke into tears as they embraced each other in front of their family members and officials from the Tasikmalaya Social Affairs Agency at the city's train station.

Trena and Treni were born in Ambon, Maluku, in 1996.

Their parents, Enceng Dedi and Enok Rohenah, were participants of the government's transmigration program, which aimed to relocate families to regions outside of the densely populated Java Island.

Shortly after her birth, Enceng left Treni under the care of his neighbors, Rini and Misranto, who were also transmigrants.

When a bloody conflict between Muslim and Christian communities erupted in Ambon in 1999, Enceng, Misranto and thousands of other transmigrants were forced to leave the island.

Enceng took Trena and his family members back to his hometown in Tasikmalaya while Misranto and his family returned to Malang, East Java, with Treni.

Both families lost contact after returning to Java.

Enceng said he had attempted to look for Treni in Malang several years ago but to no avail.

The twins later managed to find each other after Trena, who had been trying to locate her twin sister for years, found Treni's TikTok videos and decided to contact her.

They later had extensive discussions with each other before Treni decided to visit Tasikmalaya to reunite with Trena and their biological parents.

Treni is currently living in Blitar, East Java. Her adoptive parents had changed her name from Euis Treni Mustika to Treni Fitri Yana.

She said she had no idea she had a twin sister until Trena contacted her since Treni's adoptive parents never told her about it.

“I was shocked, and happy beyond words [when I found out],” Treni said as quoted by kompas.com.

Besides being reunited with her twin sister, Treni also met her six biological siblings in Tasikmalaya. (nal)

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